Nonprofit Law

Nonprofit Organization Law in Warwick, NY, Serving the Hudson Valley Area

The legal needs of Nonprofit Organizations are truly unique because they operate to a large degree within a completely different regulatory environment which is often misunderstood. Adding to this confusion, especially in the State of New York, are the different rules which apply to a Nonprofit Organization depending on whether it was formed under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, the NYS Education Law, the laws of another state, as a subsidiary or branch of a parent organization by grant of a Charter, or one of a multitude of other ways. In each instance, the applicable rules and compliance issues are different.

Nonprofit Organizations are mission-driven. This means that in everything they do, the organization needs to evaluate how a given decision or activity fits within the purpose or mission of the Organization. To the extent that the organization ignores this mandate, it potentially jeopardizes its funding, its immunity from liability, its tax-exempt status (if applicable), and in extreme circumstances, even its continued existence.

We pride ourselves on our expertise with Nonprofit Organizations and truly enjoy working with people who are trying to help their communities.

Approximately 50% of Our Practice Involves Nonprofit Organizations

We'd be happy to assist with any of the following issues, among others:

Formation of new entities, including drafting of initial Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, and/or other governing documents

Registration with the NYS Charities Bureau and/or other State regulatory agencies

Application for Tax-Exempt recognition from the IRS and State Tax Departments

Application for Sales Tax exemption

Applications for property tax exemption

Drafting or revising Bylaws and other internal governance documents or policies

Drafting or revising lease agreements or handling other Real Estate matters

Drafting or revising a Fiscal Sponsorship agreement

Advising on Board structure, membership, voting rights, fundraising regulations and charitable contributions, restricted gifts, and endowments

Assisting with any Planned Giving

Establishing a subsidiary LLC to hold Real Estate to limit liability, or a for-profit subsidiary to preserve tax-exempt status from revocation related to substantial Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)

Contact our office to schedule a consultation regarding your Nonprofit concerns