Its a fact of life; we will all die at some point in time. And if you haven't made proper provisions for how your assets are to be distributed when you pass away, then the State will decide how they get distributed and to whom. Being prepared for the inevitable is always a better choice and allows you to make those important decisions, especially when it comes to appointing a Guardian for your minor children in the event both parents pass away.
Whether or not you need a Trust or a Will (or both) will depend on your unique circumstances, how you wish to manage your assets during your lifetime, and your preferences for distribution of your assets after you pass. This can only be determined after a thorough consultation. When you need a reliable estate planning attorney in Warwick, NY or the Hudson Valley Area, contact our office today.
Call (845) 987-8500 now to learn more about our estate administration services.
A comprehensive estate plan should provide not only for your assets after death, but also provide for management of your health and assets during your life in the event you become disabled or lose the capacity to manage your own affairs. To this end, our office regularly incorporates into every estate plan:
With our expertise dealing with Nonprofit Organizations, we can also provide substantial guidance related to charitable giving. In considering your estate plan, special attention should be given to the preferred retention or distribution of any Real Estate holdings, Business interests or assets, and Intellectual Property as these items can often cause complexity in the administration of your estate after you pass.
A well-designed estate plan will reduce or eliminate the need for any Litigation related to the Administration of the Estate, and make an already difficult time for your survivors much easier.
If you are the designated Trustee of a Trust or the Executor of an Estate in the Huson Valley area and are requiring assistance with administration of the trust or estate, we can help. Contact our office in Warwick, NY, to schedule a consultation to discuss your estate planning concerns.